Friday, February 16, 2007

V is for Vendetta on Valentine's Day

For those of us who have lived, period, seeing roads that are icy, slick and somewhat dangerous is not uncommon when it comes to a Chicago winter snowstorm or its aftermath. But for one man in the middle of a midlife crisis, driving in a distinctly urine-colored motor vehicle, the idea that his incontinent car might not be able to stop on a dime when he went especially fast never even crossed his mind. "It's icy," he tried to explain, as I got out of my recently bumpercar-ed Honda, a look of utter disbelief on my face. "Seriously? Just slow down..."

At that moment as I walked to my car, an incredible thing happened. From the clouds above came the situational hero: CAPTAIN OBVIOUS! Captain Obvious ran over to the weather-impaired man and SLAPPED some sense in to him!

The following is a dramatized depiction of the vile villain in question:

Shortly after, I was attacked while wearing my Tony Jaa suit, and it just so happened to get caught on candid camera... This is what happens when you mess with the SHAMURAI!!!